
Alcohol Related Diagnoses

ICD-10 increases the cause and effect indicators to classify alcohol related diagnoses.

when talking about alcohol related disorders we need to differentiate between alcohol use, alcohol abuse, or alcohol dependence.

Within alcohol abuse, we need to identify whether there was an intoxication, psychosis, or other alcohol-induced disorders such as anxiety.

Same thing exists for alcohol dependence although here other than specifying if there is intoxication, psychosis or other disorders associated, we also need to pay attention to withdrawal

The same categories exist for alcohol use, however there is no dependence here. 

In summary, document whether it's alcohol use, alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence.

In each of those categories, the patient could have intoxication, psychosis or other associated alcohol-induced disorders ( anxiety, sleep, sexual..). 

In patients with dependence, they can also developed mood disorders, withdrawal and dementia or amnesia.
