Re-Focus for ICD-10

Mixed reaction has greeted the recent announcement by the Department of Health and Human 
Services (HHS) that ICD-10 is delayed until at least Oct 1, 2014. Some groups are relieved; others are more frustrated.

Although it's tempting to just forgot about ICD-10 and assume it's gone, this should not occur.

Getting ready for ICD-10 remains a monumental process. It affects more than just one or two isolated departments. It will have a major impact on just about every clinical, operational and financial process in healthcare. 

Good physician documentation is ICD agnostic and needs to continue and be practiced every day. So this delay offers the opportunity for a RE-FOCUS of all those efforts.

The blog will slow down a little bit but will resume soon after June and bring further information about ICD10.

Mixed reaction has greeted the recent announcement by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that it will “…initiate a process to postpone the date by which certain health care entities have to comply with International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition diagnosis and procedure codes (ICD-10).” Some provider groups are elated by it; others are just frustrated.
While it might be tempting to wait for the deadline dust to settle before making any more decisions about ICD-10, I can only urge one thing: Don’t do it.
No matter what the final compliance deadline is, getting ready for ICD-10 remains a monumental process. It affects more than just one or two isolated departments within a practice. As many have come to understand, it will have a major impact on just about every clinical, operational and financial process in healthcare.
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