Is Diabetes in ICD-10 complicated ?


Documentation for Diabetes Mellitus in ICD-10 is not complicated or difficult at all.
So, what are the documentation concepts?
-      - Type (i.e., Type I or Type II) – We already know that.
-      - Cause and effect relationship between diabetes and other conditions (e.g., diabetic peripheral vascular disease). – We already know that.
-      - Long-term uses of insulin for type II diabetes – We already know that.
-      - Underlying condition, drug, or chemical responsible for secondary diabetes (e.g., steroid-induced) – We already know that.
-      - Differentiate when diabetes is accompanied by ‘hypo’ or ‘hyper’ glycemia and if hypoglycemia is or is not causing a coma – mmm. We already do that.

So really, documentation for Diabetes is not very complicated. 
