Do you provide quality care ?

Your words become data and data determines whether or not you deliver quality care.

ICD-10 codes are created based on physician documentation and are used to create data about the
physician and the care that is provided. The data is used by payers and enters to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to create a quality profile for each provider. Physicians have every interest to ensure that the data accurately reflects the disease state of patients.
As the U.S. healthcare system moves from fee-for service to fee-for-performance, the quality profile will determine future physician payments. It is important to accurately capture patients’ co-morbidities and specific conditions as they are the basis for risk adjustment calculations.

Good documentation for ICD-9, or ICD-10 is not about reimbursement. It is about accurately reflecting the quality of the care you deliver.

Learn more at the October 15 Grand Rounds in conference room 2035. See you there.
